Monday, February 24, 2014

Too Sick to Workout

So here I go again.  Another cold.  I swear it has been  a winter of having a cold every 3 weeks.  
It will now be 3 weeks since I have been able to meet with my trainer.  I hope I can make it to the gym soon. 

I found the below article helpful.  Its from All Canadian Fitness

In the middle of cold and flu season, I get tons of people asking me if they should bother working out when they’re sick, or if they should put their exercise on hold until they are completely symptom free.
Number one… listen to your body.  If you feel like you’re ready to die, stay in bed, rest, drink fluids etc…   You’ve got to really tune into how you feel and, ultimately, you make the call.
On the other hand, sometimes a bit of activity will help to make you feel better.  If you do choose to exercise, the intensity level and the duration of your workout should be taken down a notch.

Unless you are Michael Jordan trying to win the NBA Championship while sick with the flu… slow down a bit.
Another way to decide whether to train or not is the location of your symptoms.  If you’re sick “above the neck” (sore throat, mild headache, stuffy nose), as long as you aren’t “dying”, a bit of mild exercise might make you feel better.  You probably won’t make things worse.  Just keep in mind that your recovery ability is compromised, so don’t push too hard.
If your symptoms are “below the neck” (chest congestion, stomach ache, diarrhea etc…), do NOT work out.  These are signals from your body to take a break.  Chances are that doing a workout will slow recovery and make you more sick.  The “tincture of time” is what is needed here.  Treat your symptoms, rest and let your body heal itself.
If you have a fever, do NOT workout.  An elevated temperature is already putting you at risk for dehydration.  It simply doesn’t make any sense to push yourself in this state.

So, I guess the best advice is to err on the side of good judgement.  Don’t wimp out every time you have a tickle in your throat, but, don’t try to be a hero when you can barely stand without the room spinning.

Unless you are Michael Jordan and it’s game 7.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Small Achievements can mean big Victories

                What do you do with the fat hanging out? 

                      Check out at                
I thought the above ad was funny. 
 We all wish it was that easy.

                                 I Hate Push Ups

I know to some of you are not going to be impressive.  For me this was a big deal.  Push ups are new to my workout routine.  Today I was able to do 2 sets of 10 push-ups.  I can hear some of you right now saying "big deal, it only 20 push ups!".  Well let me tell you.  Last week, I could only do 10 push-ups.  I have doubled the number of push up I can do.

This was after doing kettle bell swings, kettlebell presses and kettlebell squats.  Not bad for a guy who's idea of a push up was the kind you eat.  

Just when you think you can't you do

                          It doesn't matter what you've heard                                                         Impossible is not a word                                                                           It just a reason                                                                             For someone not to try


Monday, February 17, 2014

Now for something completely different

I did promise that there would be some humor.  It has been awhile.  So here you go.

Whatever I do in reaction is my choice

I had an appointment with my trainer today.  I got there right on time, ready to go.  He tells me he thought our appointment was at 2:30.  I thought it was at 3:30. Instead of having him fit me in.  I told him I would wait to meet next week.  I left there feeling lots of things. Mad at me, because I got it wrong.  I was than got mad at him.  Thinking why didn't he send me a appointment reminder.  I was thinking why am wasting all this time and effort.  I have not been seeing much in the way of result lately.  I was ready to just say forget it.  I was ready to hit the McDonald's drive thru

On my way home, something I learned Sunday at church popped into my mind.  ( In case you read this Pastor Jim.  I do pay attention. I really am taking notes on my phone.) "Whatever I do in reaction is my choice.  I could choice to just be mad, sad, frustrated, angry or whatever else I was feeling.  Give up and just be done with it all. Go eat my Big Mac or 3. The other option is I could choice to push through it and use it get past whatever my problem is. Because to be perfectly honest it is my problem.  Not my trainer or anyone else problem. 

So I choose to react positively.  I choose to press on.  I choose to take responsibility when I make bad  choices. I choose to succeed.  

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Strength does not come from winning. Your struggle develop your strengths

I have been finding it hard to stay motivated.  I just have not had the energy.  It's been hard.  The less motivated I get the more disappointed I get with myself.   I think I may have finally turned a corner.  I forced myself to workout today instead of going swimming with the kids. I walked into the gym grumpy, tired and feeling like I have made no progress in the last month.  Almost Defeated.  My workout started out slow and without purpose.  As I progressed, I felt my mood change.  My walked turned into a slow run.  My slow run turned into a fast run.  Soon I was adding inclines. I know this sounds weird and almost new age.  The harder I worked out, the better I felt.  My mood improved.  I had more energy .  I was able to do more push up then I thought I could. I think I figured out that my workout is more then pounds and inches.  It's about how it makes me feel. Don't get me wrong I will still check the pounds and inches .  But I am starting to figure it's not the important thing.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Check out Emmy Smith's Site.

Check out the link below.  For full discloser, Emmy is my nephew's wife.  Does that make her my niece inlaw?

She has great tips.  She is a Certified Personal Trainer, Health Coach and Specialist in Sport Conditioning.  She is becoming a great resource of information for me.  

Monday, February 3, 2014

It Hurts so good.

Breaking in a new trainer

Today was my first workout with my new trainer. It felt good to leave the gym with that feeling of a hard productive workout.  My body is sore, but my spirits are up.  I have concluded that when you are in school to become a trainer,they must teach you to have that laugh.  You trainer know it.  That laugh that comes with that smile. Where you slightly enjoying the suffering and pain you are inflicting. I saw that smile and heard that laugh while I was doing my  new most hated exercise ,L Sits.  These make Squats look a walk in the park. I wanted to show a video.  But that would have given you the wrong impression of my ability.

I will be updating you on new adventures as I learn new exercises. 


Check me out on flipboard. I have created my own magazine.  I have compiled tweets and articles  that I find interesting .  Most are health and fitness. I try to find a few oddball ones to add to the mix.  Check it out at the below link